vineri, 4 aprilie 2008

Dream 11908

Am I finally awake or have I finally fallen asleep?

I can’t be.You fall asleep, I always feel I fall awake. Hours and hours and endless minutes until I finally hit the bed. I always wake up landing and jump out of bed into a canyon. And no, I’m not a road runner. I prefer walking, there’s a rhythm and always a ballad in walking. This way you can never miss the scenery. So I walk. But towards the end I seem to forever end up running, and I trip on you and fall. Then I get up and walk again. But for how long?

Have you ever wondered if what you remember was a dream or indeed happened? I do. Is it because my dreams are life-like or my life dream-like? The trouble is you’re in both, and you’re the same, not flawless, not even a bit distorted, a bit better, a bit wiser, a bit more patient. You see, my delusional mind senses that it needn’t change you. That’s what scares me, that’s the only reason I call them nightmares.

Only I don’t have nightmares, I have day mares. I guess. I keep telling myself that if I’m in the daylight I must be awake, but in the dark I feel more alive. I love coming home in the evening to an empty house and strolling in the dark, lying on the carpet staring at rays of flickering light roaming in, misplacing things so I can someday smile finding them, contemplate them, finally finally have them and appreciate them.

Where did I put you again?